STW/Coverage(tm), which works alone or as part of the fully integrated TestWorks suite of software testing tools, delivers the next generation of coverage analyzers. Using recursive descent compiler technology, STW/Coverage is able to efficiently handle a wide variety of language dialects. STW/Coverage gives a numerical value to the completeness of a set of tests; it also show what parts of an application have been tested so that effort can be focused on creating test cases that will exercise the parts that were not previously tested.

STW/Coverage measures runtime coverage at the logical branch level for unit and system testing, measuring the number of times each segment off all branches has been exercised; call-pair coverage for integration and system tests measures the number of times each function-call has been exercised, as errors in parameters are extremely common; and path analysis for critical functions measures the number of times each path, which is a sequence of segments, was exercised.

STW/Coverage's analyzers gather usage statistics on programs, as they are being exercised, and create coverage reports. STW/Coverage generates graphs which reveal the control-flow structure of a module and call-trees which show the caller-callee relationship of a program. These displays are annotated by colors so the tester can very quickly determine what is and what is not being exercised in a set of tests.

Source viewing allows you to navigate from a graph to a function-call or logical branch in the source code. If the developer needs quick analysis of results, there is also a tabular report available. This report tool allows the user to look at coverage results at high level, and then interactively navigate to the code that requires attention.

STW/Coverage provides the only complete coverage solution available for test case validation, and provides coverage for mission-critical applications, such as an application needing FAA or FDA certification.

STW/Coverage allows for the instrumentation of isolated modules or exclusion of modules that have already reached a certain level of coverage; it also easily integrates instrumentation steps into your existing make file.

STW/Coverage provides support for host based as well as embedded and remote system testing. Software Research, Inc. customers are using our coverage tools on everything from host based DOS and UNIX platforms to remote testing on IBM AS/400s to embedded applications such as medical instruments and flight controls.

With T-SCOPE, you can monitor the executed program parts by generating logical branch and call-pair coverage data in real time. It shows coverage obtained for logical branches through directed graphs, call-pairs through call-tree displays, and an overall percentage through slider bars.

STW/Coverage works with multiple user interfaces: Graphical User Interface (GUI), Command Lines, and Menus. The tools in STW/Coverage are available to support programs written in C, C++, Ada and FORTRAN.